Saturday, January 21, 2012

Italians: The European Version of Arabs

As an Arab, I find there are many similarities, in general, between both the Arab and the Italian cultures. Which is also what attracts me to the idea of bringing back the Italian spirit to Ancoats.

Arabs Italians are known to love life; they are very laid back in their general attitude, but at the same time they have an extremely social culture. It's been my experience that they love to talk and joke, and laugh very loudly, usually over a big meal. Generous and hospitable, they have a sort of "the more the merrier" outlook at gatherings. The relaxed nature of these cultures also includes a side that many efficient and detail-oriented people may find frustrating: Punctuality isn't very important (anything that's worth a darn will stick around for a little while), and attractive women WILL be cat-called and vocally admired by certain daring men. Some would take offense at this, but, really it's best to let it go. In fact, the worst thing a girl could do would be to respond, especially with a smile (that's an invitation). But the people of these cultures don't just know how to have a good time. They're very proud of their country's history, and family (which they are very loyal to), and have a sense of honor about both.

Of course this is only a combination of my personal experience and generalizations/stereotypes that are associated with these cultures.

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