Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cooking Workstations

· The atmosphere is mellow and fun. Unless you’re at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, most cooking classes have a relaxed atmosphere with no pressure, so even if your culinary skill doesn’t extend past microwaving a cup of noodles, you will find success in your class, and who knows! You may find a new passion for the culinary arts!

Masterchef Inspiration

This is more or less what I would like my space to look like:

Cooking Classes

This is a mood board I made when thinking about how I would like the atmosphere to be like:

Italian Cuisine

These are mood boards I made when thinking about incorporating a section for Italian food:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Outdoor BBQ

This is a mood board I made when thinking about incorporating a section in the garden to barbeque:

Asian Fusion

These are mood boards I made when thinking about incorporating a section for Asian food: